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It is a New Year and, even if you didn’t make any resolutions, I’d like to focus on “positivity” for all of us.

Positivity includes being positive in three major parts of life – thoughts, words, and deeds.

There is power in “positive thinking”.  This link has many short quotes that you can enjoy and/or share with your friends.  Check it out at —

If we work on having healthy brains, we will have a positive mental attitude (PMA).  Here are some great quotes on PMA —

And if you like meditation, there are many videos on YouTube that help with positive thought.  This link gives you one list of such videos —

If you like to watch (or play) competitive sports, this is the best month of the year.  Good players exhibit “positivity in action”.  I encourage you to listen to this inspirational short talk by a famous football coach.  Click here to learn more about his great ideas AND humor —

Now that you have seen and heard some positive thoughts and words, what are your favorite positive deeds?  The SGT website has several links to some examples of “positive deeds” that I like.  Have any of you tried my “Pay It Forward” (PIF) technique?

Let me close with my good wishes for a great 2023 and one more rendition of the New Year’s song.  This short video has great pictures of nature, a prayer for a good year for all of us, as well as a very good Norwegian singer —

As a reminder, you can find the above links and much more at Gary’s SGT website.  I encourage you to save the link to the SGT website and visit it throughout the month to help remember my suggested topic of “Positivity”.

The link to Gary’s “Sharing Good Thoughts” (SGT) website is —

Let me know if you have found Internet content that you use for your “mental health”.  If so, share those links with me and I can add them to my website.

Stay well and mentally happy by thinking good thoughts.

Gary Oing

PS: Feel free to forward this message to YOUR circle of friends and family.