A new approved Br 32 coed Ping-pong Plus Activity

Where:   At Dave Smiths home at the South end of Snell Ave., San Jose

When:   The Ping-pong activity will be on the 1st Thursday of the month and planned to begin on Thursday, December 5th, 2024

Time:     From 1:00PM TO 3:00 PM

Description:   This is a new activity. You can play ping-pong under a covered deck, play corn hole or putt on a small green in Dave’s large one acre back yard. You are encouraged to bring a game to share with plenty of fun to enjoy between games.

RSVP:  To Dave Smith, Ping-Pong Plus Chairman. For Dave’s address and more information of activity, call  408-226-1238 or

e-mail  smith333@comcast.net