Heart Health and Preventing Heart Disease.
Description of Talk:
The following topics were discussed:
1–Warning Signs (Difference in men vs women)
2–Risk Factors: (Controllable vs Non controllable)
3–Heart Attack vs Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Differences)
4–New Advances and new Therpy in Treatment of Heart Disease and Heart Failure
5–Healing and Recovery
6–Key Medications
In 1966, graduated from San Jose State with a degree in Marketing. Primary career field was with a publisher of higher education, university level text books.
Major “heart event” in February 2005 (heart attack, triple bypass surgery, followed by 8 stents. Then became involved with a heart patient support group (Mended Hearts). Served a Chapter Treasurer, Vice President, Chapter President, Assistant Regional Director, Western Regional Director, National Vice President, Elected Executive Vice President.
Currently live in San Jose with wife of 54 years. (Nancy). Have 2 adult children and 4 grandchildren. Hobbies include golf and high altitude trout fishing in High Sierra.