MAY 16, 2024 

The meeting was called to order by Big SIR Fernando Gonzalez at 9:36 AM.                

A quorum was established with the following members present:

Big Sir Fernando Gonzalez, Little SIR/Treasurer John Santillano, Secretary Jim Toepfer, Assistant Treasurer Jerry Miller. Absent: Assistant Secretary Jack O’Brien. 

DIRECTORS: Gaylan King, Bob Lewis, Andre Dodd, Vince Sereno, Jerry Strain, Anthony Butera.    

GUESTS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Absent – Gary Williams, Sam Graham, John Cardoza, Edd Santwier.            

Motion to approve minutes from April 18, 2024: MSP.   

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s Report for April 2024, was presented by Treasurer John Santillano:

          Checkbook Balance as of April 1, 2024….……………………….$4,463.41          

Total Receipts……………………………………………….………………$1,249.00    


Checkbook and cash as of April 30, 2024………………………………..$4,208.62       

A motion was made to approve the treasurer’s report and a voucher request for: Bob Lewis in the amount of $14.48, MSP.

Membership Report:

Gaylan King gave the membership report as of May 16, 2024: Active members 85, Pending members 2, Unused badges 165, Total badges 250. A motion was made to accept the membership report, MSP.            

STATE HLM: Jerry Strain

HLM: Gary Williams and Sam Graham

Committee Reports:   

Bowling: Bob Lewis – It was a good season. It is finished for the year. 

Golf: Jerry Strain – Going well.

Travel: John Cardoza – Absent. However, there is a pending cruise coming for Panama Canal in January of 2025. Stay tuned.  

Dining: Vince Sereno – Proceeding as usual. Some minor problems.

Sunshine: Edd Santwier – Absent.    

Walking Group: Anthony Butera – The walking group will resume on September 7, 2024.

Old Business: The results of the survey taken at the General Membership Meeting on April 16, 2024, by Big SIR Fernando Gonzalez, regarding participation in various charity events by SIR Branch 144: no interest was expressed. 

New Business: A meeting will be held on May 21, 2024, at Denny’s in Salida, California for area Big SIRS to discuss several issues, one being advertising. Bob Lewis has been selected to attend this meeting as our designee for Branch 144. Anthony Butera took this spot as Bob Lewis could not attend.

Meeting adjourned by Big SIR Fernando Gonzalez at 9:53 AM. 

   The time of the next BEC meeting will be 9:30 AM, June 20, 2024.                                                                                  

             Respectfully submitted by: Jim Toepfer, Secretary.