FEBRUARY 20, 2025
The meeting was called to order by Big SIR Fernando Gonzalez at 9:31 AM.
A quorum was established with the following members present:
Big Sir Fernando Gonzalez, Little SIR/Treasurer John Santillano, Secretary Jim Toepfer.
DIRECTORS: Gaylan King, Bob Lewis, Vince Sereno, Jerry Strain, Andre Dodd. Director/Area 18 Rep Anthony Butera.
GUESTS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Sam Graham, Gary Williams. Absent: Edd Santwier.
Motion to approve minutes from January 16, 2025. MSP.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer’s Report for January 2025 was presented by treasurer John Santillano:
Checkbook Balance as of January 1, 2025….………………….$2,862.86
Total Receipts….……………………………………………….……………$2,803.00
Checkbook and cash as of January 31, 2025.……………………………$4,516.18
A motion was made to approve the treasurer’s report and voucher requests for: Bob Lewis $8.99, Kindle and Associates LLC, for advertising in the amount of $587.50. MSP.
Membership Report:
Gaylan King gave the membership report as of January 16, 2025: Active members 77, Pending members 0, Unused badges 173, Total badges 250. A motion was made to accept the membership report. MSP.
STATE HLM: Jerry Strain
HLM: Gary Williams and Sam Graham
Committee Reports:
Bowling: Bob Lewis – Going well. Still rolling along.
Golf: Jerry Strain – The Manteca Golf Course has dropped Branch 144.
Travel: John Cardoza – Pending cruises coming for 2025: The Mississippi River, the Rose Parade, Korea, Japan, and Australia.
Dining: Vince Sereno – All groups are functioning well.
Sunshine: Edd Santwier – Absent. Jerry Strain reported that Norman Lawrence has passed.
Walking Group: Anthony Butera – We will be walking if it is not raining.
OLD BUSINESS: Big Sir Fernando will remind members to pay dues by the end of March and for the need to continue collecting money for advertising.
NEW BUSINESS: Gaylan King put in his resignation as Membership Committee Chairman, a new MCC is now in order. Edd Santwier has volunteered to fill the position of Little Sir for the rest of the year. Joseph Miceli is to replace Jerry Miller as assistant treasurer. A motion was made to accept these changes. MSP. Big Sir Fernando mentioned that we are now looking for a new CIO at the state level.
Meeting adjourned by Big SIR Fernando Gonzalez at 9:54 AM.
The time of the next BEC meeting will be 9:30 AM, March 20, 2025.
Respectfully submitted by: Jim Toepfer, Secretary.