Dining Out Club News and Humor  

Dining Out Club + Humor

3 Evening Dining Out Clubs

2nd Tuesday Evening Club

Tues. June 11th – FRUIT YARD

Tues. July 9th – BBQ at the Norris’s

For Reservations: Contact Kathy Norris at 209-596-0416


4th Tuesday Evening Club:


Tues. July 23rd—Papapavlo’s Mediterranean Bistro

For Reservations:  Contact Hall Eubank at:  209-649-4148


4th Thursday Evening Club:

Thurs. June 27th –STRINGS ITALIAN 

Thurs. July 25th—BLACK BEAR DINER

For Reservations: Contact Vince Sereno at: 209-524-9630, OR Cell at: 209-552-1539


  1. I remember when I was a kid, and we played “spin the bottle”, if they didn’t want to kiss you, they’d have to give you a quarter. By the time I was twelve, I owned my own home.
  2. Long ago men cursed and beat the ground with sticks. It was called witchcraft. Today, it’s called golf.
  3. You know you’re getting old when a recliner and a heating pad is your idea of a hot date.
  4. Paddy is in court, and after an 8-hour trial he pleads guilty. Judge says, “Why didn’t you plead guilty at first and save the court all this time?” Paddy says, “I thought I was innocent until I heard all the evidence.”
  5. Two little boys were at a wedding when one leaned over and asked, “How many wives can a man have?” His friend answered, “Sixteen. . . four better, four worse, four richer, and four poorer.”
  6. Why is it after I push ONE for English I still can’t understand the person on the other end.
  7. You know when you buy a bag of salad & it gets all brown & soggy! Cookies don’t do that!
  8. They say 40 is the new 30 & 50 is the new 40, but all I know is the older I get, the more 9pm is the new midnight.