The prize fund checks for fiscal year 2022-2023 will be distributed at the October or November Branch meetings.

In addition to green fees and cart fees, each weekly 18-hole tournament has a prize fund fee of $9.00. The prize fund fee is used as follows:

$1 from the prize fund fee goes into the Closest to the Hole fund. Any member who makes a hole in one in a SIR tournament will receive $350. At the end of the year, any funds over $350 in the hole in one account will be spent on the Year End Tournament.

$1 from the fee goes into the golf club’s general fund to support the club’s operation, including paying for the Year End annual tournament in September, reimbursing Golf Club Committee members for their paper and ink costs and meal expenses at mandatory quarterly Committee meetings, bank account charges, and printing schedules.

We play two Closest-to-the – Hole contests in each tournament.

The remainder is spent for prizes to the low net winners in evenly created Flights based on handicap index.

The accumulated prize fund winnings for each member are maintained by the Treasurer. At the end of the annual Year End tournament, a check is written for each member’s accumulated winnings. You can check on how much you have won at your monthly Branch meeting, where your status is available.