Sunnyvale Branch 62

"Tom's Walk"


Roy Jordan

February 2025 SIR Walkers
Mohammed, Felix, Walt, Roy, and Heber
November 2024 SIR Walkers
John, Jim, Roy, Felix, Heber, Mohammed, and Walt
John D and Tom C
On the trail walk
Met some Deer Hollow goats
Tom C and Walt S
Ducks doing their walk
Tom C
Tom C bridge crossing
Walkers posing for a photo
Tom C
Tom pointing the way to Deer Hollow Farm
Tom C pointing the way
Walt and Tom at Deer Hollow
Leon, John, Tom, and Jim
John D pointing the way
Deer Hollow Deer
Leon K - sliding break
Walt S at top of the slide


We do about a 2 mile level walk.


We normally do our walks on the second and fourth Fridays of the month starting at 9:30am, but this could change month to month depending on the temperature (8:30am on warm days).


We sometimes do a walk through Central Park in Santa Clara. On rainy days we have done walks through Westfield Mall Valley Fair. We have also done walks starting at the Blackberry Farm Golf Course parking lot to Stevens Creek trail, then walk on to either McClellan Road or Linda Vista Park, depending on the mood of the walkers.

If you would like a nice walk on a Friday, or have questions, please contact Roy Jordan.

Come join us for some fun and exercise!

Walking is good for you. It keeps your heart and body healthy.
Walking is a man’s best medicine.” (Hippocrates)
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” (Confucius)
The moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.” (Henry David Thoreau)
Tom Chatfield passed in 2023. He asked that we continue walking. We do it now in his memory.
We call it "Tom's Walk".

(Please let Roy know if you're coming)

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