To join Branch 51 of SIR the following steps are followed:

  • Print the application from the link below, complete it and mail to:

Joe Urbassik 4128 Willmar Dr., Palo Alto, CA 94306

Please include your $40, which is the initial fee for your name tag and first year membership.

  • If you have difficulty printing the application, email with your home address to have an application sent to you. You can also call Joe if you need further information or assistance: (650) 714-9610
  • Once your application and initial fee are received: Welcome to SIR! You are in.
  • All new members are encouraged to attend our monthly luncheon to be welcomed as a new member. For information about the monthly luncheon, select the ‘Home’ page.
  • The annual dues for Branch 51 SIR are $30.

PDF version of SIR-application  (When document is opened, either print directly to your printer or download to your computer, Action buttons pop up on the lower right of the image).  It cannot be edited online.