NON-RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION: All activities arranged for or by, or sponsored by, Sons in Retirement, Inc., and its Branches, are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their guests who desire to participate. Sons in Retirement, Inc., and its Branches do not assume any responsibility for the well being or safety of the participants or their property, in any matters pertaining to said activities.

Indoor Bowling

Branches 5 and 35, and 51 bowl Tuesdays at Homestead Lanes using a handicap system so that all have an equal chance. Contact

Bob Taggart        650-321-2654

Lawn Bowling

During the summer bowlers meet on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.  Free coaching is available for new players.  Contact Don Hughes 650-323-9916

Bike Riding

SIRS ON BIKES: SIR Area #16 bike rides regularly start at 11:00 AM the 2nd Thursday of the month. Wives and Guests are welcome. Bring bike, helmet and a jacket if it is windy. Rain will cancel. Attendance averages 10-15 riders. More are welcome. Rides are planned to be 15-20 miles on paved bicycle trails (so that almost any type of bike is usable) with some optional ride distances. The pace is moderate and riding on streets is kept to a minimum and includes a restaurant lunch break.

If you plan to ride or have questions, contact Jim Lunt at 408-252-6804 or Gordon Tang at 408-242-0557.


Our tennis group meets Mondays and Thursdays at Rinconada Park in Palo Alto.  Play level is around 2.5.  Contact Bill Kamin 650-322-4300


PC: In conjunction with SPAUG (Stanford Palo Alto Users Group), SIR members are directed to the monthly meeting at 7:15PM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Palo Alto Elks Club on El Camino. See the Newsletter.

MAC: Conducted as an email group, contact Skip Ross waross(at)




Branches 5, 16, 35 and 51 combine to conduct cruises and train trips for members.  See the Newsletter for the current trip(s) being planned.