SIR 51 Monthly Luncheon
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Fremont Hills Country Club
This month Holiday Party with the Madrigal Singers.
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Are you retired or semi-retired and want to make new friends, participate in fun activities and better enjoy your leisure time? JOIN SIR!
SIR Membership is open to retired or semi-retired men regardless of age, race, national origin or religion. Begun in 1958, SIR has thousands of members and branches in most areas of Central and Northern California. Branch 51, with approximately 60 members, serves San Carlos, Redwood City, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, Mountain View and Sunnyvale.
We have monthly luncheons at the Fremont Hills Country Club in Los Altos Hills where interesting speakers meld with good fellowship. Additionally, our members participate in a variety of other SIR activities such as golf, bowling, biking, card games and computers. We have two annual social events that include the ladies.
SIR is entirely a social organization: we don’t raise money and we have no political agenda. We don’t have any ethnic or religious orientation.
To get more details on the activities or to find out how to join our group, click on the “How to Join” link on the left.
Membership Chair: Gerry Shebar To contact via email: