Silver Oak 2 Man Best Ball July 19 2021 – PDF
On Monday, July 19, we are playing the challenging Silver Oak golf course. We will have a 8:30 AM shotgun start. Your green fee and cart is $43.00. Our tournament event is a 2-man team, 1-best ball.
The first two players, than the second two players on the pairing sheet are partners. We have 25 two man teams, 50 players, two openings.
We will play from the WHITE tees. One group of players is playing the forward tees, or yellow tees.
Closest to the pin on four par threes. (Pay two places)
When you arrive, please see Tom Sawyer to donate $5.00 for our prize fund.
Note: Mike Patton will also collect $15.00 for each person who wish to join our Branch
Picnic on Monday, July 26, who have not yet signed up.
Thank you,