If you are a Facebook user, join our Lake Tahoe Branch Group to engage in social media with fellow members. Ask to join here.
SIR’s purpose is to assist men in renewing former friendships and provide opportunities to make new friends through association with other men regardless of age, race, color, or religion.
We, your fellow men from nearly all professions including business, science,
engineering, legal, medicine, and education, invite all who meet these criteria to consider joining SIR.
Founded in 1958 SIRS has been carrying out our Mission for more than 60 years. The SIR organization has grown to over 81 branches with more that 8,000 members in Northern California and Nevada. There are no initiation fees. We do have a $11 per year assessment fee towards the operation of State SIR. Volunteers man all office and administrative positions from the statewide organization down through the Region, Area, and the local Branches
To view the old website click on the Rooster.