Incline Village 2-Man Better Ball August 24 2021 Pairings – PDF


The Incline Village Mountain golf course is considered one of the best Executive golf course in the USA. Hone your iron shots and stay out of the woods and you will do well.
We have 34 players, two openings. Please pay $50.00 at the pro shop when you arrive. See Tom Sawyer to donate $5.00 for our prize fund.
We will meet on Tuesday, August 24, with a 10:30 AM shotgun start. Our tournament format is a 2-man team, 1-best ball. If you do not have a partner, play your round and we will pick a partner for
you in a blind draw. The first two players, then the second two players are partners in each 4-some.
Closest to the pin will be on # 3 and # 17. (two places)
Enjoy the day with your buddies. Compliment your buddies for a great shot or super put.
Do not laugh at a bad shot.  You may be laughed at next.
See you all there!