Genoa Lakes Ranch Results PDF 1 PDF 2


The Genoa Ranch course is always a challenge. Today, it was no different. Looking at the individual scores, they were outstanding.

The best ball two-some event we played today is one of the toughest format. It requires that one player of the two, has to have a good score on every hole in order to come out with a good team score. Both players can’t have a bad score on the same hole. Anyway, we had some two-some who pulled it off and ended up with winning scores.

Mater of fact, we are all winners for coming out today, enjoying the game and our friends. Thank you Genoa Ranch staff for hosting us today.


Genoa Lakes Ranch pairings PDF Word


The Genoa Ranch course is waiting for you to be conquered on Monday, June 15. It will be a beautiful day and we have a great turn-out of 52 players.

Our tournament format is a 2-man team, 1-best ball. Maximum handicap differential is 10 strokes between the two players. I will “pop” the score cards – two players per card. Please pick up your score card at the counter when you pay ($45.00) at the pro shop.

Please return your score card to the counter when you complete your round. Ed Dworak will be kind enough to pick up all the cards for posting your score.

We will all play from the PURPLE TEES, 5782 yards. I was informed that the greens are lightning fast and many bunkers have water

in them. Please check at the pro shop for a ruling on the bunkers.

Have a great day and a few laughs!

Thank you,
