All our golf outings are social gatherings not affiliated with SIR.

Eagle Valley West Four Man two better balls Results PDF

 Fellow Sirs,
A beautiful fall day greeted us at Eagle Valley West.  The staff was very attentive and made our start go off as smoothly as could be expected at the most lavish of golf facilities.  Sean Goshert, our ‘Head Professional’ was on top of everything.  ‘Thank you’ goes out to him and his entire staff. Including Jeff in the bar.  They work hard to make every golfers experience a positive event.  Please, fellow SIR’s.  Remember to take a moment and recognize the work our golf course staffs provide all of us.  Thank them.  Greet them and let them know that you appreciate their hard work.
Something has to be said about not having to worry about the organization of a SIR golf event.  Sig Heidemann shot lights out today.  His 79 was only 50 strokes more that his age when he was 29. The young buck carried his team to a 1st place.  Way to go Sig.  Perhaps a breakfast cereal or a sneaker contract is in your future?.
Please see the attached final results for todays event.  Our next winter golf event is planned for Toiyabe Golf Course.  Tuesday, October 27, 2020.  10:00 a.m. shot gun start.  (weather permitting)   This event will be an individual 3 mulligans per 9 event.  New to us.  Details and rules will be sent tomorrow.
 Don’t forget the SIR’s general membership meeting on Monday, October 26th, 11:00 am.  At Carson Valley Inn.  Your caller will be in contact with you with details.
Fellow SIR’s,
It is looking as though we are going to have a beautiful day on Monday October 19, 2020 at Eagle Valley West Golf Course.  Temperatures will begin a little cool. But warm quickly into the mid to upper 70’s.  Please dress in layers and protect yourselves from the harms of the sun.
When you arrive, pay the club house $35.00.  This includes green fees and a bucket of balls to warm up.  Ask the attendant at the desk for the bucket of balls. (if you want them)
Then see SIR Tom Sawyer (probably in the lounge area) to participate in the money games.   It will cost the customary $5.00.  We will have closest to the holes (CTH) on # 7 and # 17.  Paying two places each.
This is a four-man two better ball format and a ‘shot gun start’ at 10 a.m.  I have prepared your team card with the appropriate number of handicap pops.
Putt out all putts.  No gimmies.  For the sake of expediency, if you feel you have struggled on a hole and will not be one of the two better scores, I encourage you to pick up and let your other team mates carry you on to victory on that hole.  We want to try and finish in 4.5 hours if possible.  SIR’s has always been respected as a group of fellas who don’t dominate the golf course for hours on end.  Be ready to hit.  Play your ball first, then help your partner find his.  These are little things that add to the enjoyment of the day for all of us.
Please see the attached teams and roster.  Thanks to all that have helped me attempt to coordinate this event.  It’s always a work in progress and a team effort to make it enjoyable for all participants.
Your winter golf chairman,