Enjoy Magazine August 2024 feature article on Redding SIR organization.
KCNR radio interview with SIR’s Lee Lamp discussing the Enjoy Magazine article in the August 2024 edition.
Installation of Don Fox Memorial Table
(L.-R.) Bill Harris, Russ Smith, Lee Lamp and John Aubuchon were present at the Gold Hills Country Club when a table in memory of Don Fox was put in place at the golf course. The table is inscribed at the base with the SIR logo and the words: “In memory of Don Fox 1930 – 2018 — He embodied SIR, loved golf & made friends for life. — Presented by Three Shasta’s Branch 129”
The Don Fox Memorial Table was acquired with funds raised at the June auction. It is beautiful and will be welcomed by golfers who need a place to sit before and after rounds. A dedication ceremony will be scheduled in the new year.
2019 Christmas Luncheon
Sweet Adelines & Mrs. Claus sang Christmas songs at the SIR Redding Branch 129 Christmas Party, Sons of Italy hall on Dec. 11, 2019 before a crowd of 123 members and guests. Santa passed out chocolates to everyone, one member won a $100 bill, ten members won a free general meeting lunch, three members won new SIR ball caps and seven of the ladies won door prizes consisting of always-popular See’s candy assortments. Thanks to everyone who came and made this luncheon a success! Photos by Lee Lamp
Turkey dinner with all the fixin’s with pumpkin pie for dessert plus drinks from the bar made for a great mid-day gathering.
The Sweet Adeline’s entertained us with ten familiar Christmas songs. Mr. & Mrs. Claus were about to enter the room when this photo was taken.
Our branch defrayed part of the cost of the meal and when everything was tallied up 123 people showed up to consume 12 turkeys.
Santa Claus made and appearance and posed for this photo with Big SIR Lee Lamp. Lee was also master of ceremonies.
Duane Nelson, assistant treasurer, and his wife Beverly at the front table for the 2019 Christmas Luncheon.
Dave Smith & his wife, Chris, at the front table. Dave was inducted as our new treasurer, replacing John Aubuchon, for 2020.
Cris Andrews, SIR Branch 129 secretary, and his wife Diane were seated at the front table. Sons of Italy did a great job of decorating.
Frank Galusha was inducted as Little SIR for 2020. He and his wife Jean enjoyed the luncheon. Many other photos were taken. If you want to see them all, contact Frank.
SIR on Parade
Redding, December 7 Lighted Christmas Parade
Port side view of SIR Redding Branch 129 entry for Redding Lighted Christmas Parade, Dec. 7, 2019. After several days of steady rain, the clouds parted just in time for this event. The crowd size was quite large considering the temperature, wind and forecast of rain. Both sides of the boat sported large banners promoting our branch. These banners can be used over and over to get the SIR brand into the public eye.
Starboard view of SIR Redding, Branch 129 entry for Redding Lighted Christmas Parade 2019. Big SIR Lee Lamp decorated his truck and Little SIR Frank Galusha decorated his boat for this event. Lee drove and Frank rode in the boat.
Shasta Lake, November 9, 2019 Veteran’s Day Parade
Eric Measles, Mike Smith, Larry Andrews, Murray Blake, Chuck Cotten, Lee Lamp and Justin Clendenning manned the Shasta Lake Veteran’s Parade entry for our branch on November 7 where many on the parade route were exposed to the SIR brand.
Shasta Lake Veteran’s Parade entry.
SIR branch 129 has two banners for use in parades, at trade shows or inside and outside pop-up tents wherever men 55+ congregate.
SIR Branch 129 was well represented on November 9 at the Shasta Lake Veteran’s Day Parade. Lee Lamp brought his pickup and towed Frank Galusha’s boat, which were displaying our magnetic signs and 2×10′ banners. SIR also entered a lighted float in the Redding Christmas Parade on December 7, 2019 .
Walking & Observation Club Formed

Clover Creek Preserve is one of many trails in Redding.
SIR Gary Heffley has helped to create a new activity – a SIR Walking & Observation Club – that meets twice monthly for healthy walks at scenic places such as the Clover Creek Preserve, the Sacramento River Trail and other locations where wildlife is plentiful as selected by those who participate.
“Walking with friends is a of lot fun,” Gary said. “Walking, talking and observing nature is truly enjoyable, and if you also have a cell-phone, camera, binoculars and bird-identification book it can get downright interesting! And time flies, too!”
If you are interested in taking healthy walks along the many trails available in this area, please plan to meet with Gary at our September 18 meeting right after lunch. “Where would you like to walk?” Gary wants to know.
According to Prevention.com … Walking offers many benefits, “… like the proverbial apple, there’s a good chance it’ll keep the doctor away. From helping you lose weight and de-stress to lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of many chronic diseases—going for regular walks is one of the best and easiest things you can do for your health,” says Melina B. Jampolis, MD, author of The Doctor on Demand Diet. “Walking is the number one exercise I recommend to most of my patients because it is very easy to do, requires nothing but a pair of tennis shoes, and has tremendous mental and physical benefits.”

Rain turns Clover Creek Preserve into a vibrant wetland with lots of shore birds, ducks, geese, cranes and other wildlife.
Walking can:
Improve your mood,
Get your creative juices flowing,
Help you burn calories and lose weight,
Reduce your risk of chronic disease,
Keep your legs looking great,
Improve your digestion,
Make other goals seem more reachable,
Protect your joints,
Boost your immunity,
Help you live longer and
Help you sleep better at night
That’s ten good reasons why a Walking & Observation Club is a great idea.
Sign-up for this activity at our September 18 meeting – and, please, invite a guest, too.
Why this:
Instead of this:
State SIR https://www.sirinc.org/ is in the process of repositioning our organization. Our Rooster emblem, or “logo” has been modernized and the name of our organization has been abbreviated to SIR. The words “Sons In Retirement” have been retired in favor of “Social Activities for Men.” The objective is to allow SIR to focus on men age 55 and older as opposed to just those who have retired from work. According to a Merrill-Lynch survey in 2019, most men not yet retired envision working in some capacity – often in a new field in their later years.
Our Mission is: To enhance the lives of our members through fun activities, events and luncheons while making Friends for Life. Note, the use of the word “enhance” as opposed to “improve.”
Our Vision is: To become the best active men’s organization in Northern and Central California by improving longevity through providing opportunities for physical, mental and social engagement.
Summary: We joined SIR to engage in fun activities and to Make Friends for Life. Now, in addition to that objective, SIR will also be dedicated to helping us Live Longer by keeping us physically, mentally and socially engaged.
You can help us enhance your experience and improve your life by coming to our luncheons and signing up for activities — or by suggesting new activities.
Rod & Reel talk a big hit in July for fishing club members
By Frank Galusha
On July 10 nearly two dozen members of our Redding Branch Fishing Club learned about freshwater fishing rods and reels when Pro Angler, Guest Speaker and fellow SIR, Howard Hughes gave a presentation on that subject.
Hughes was introduced by Jay Liu, fishing club leader, at the regular 10 a.m.-to-noon club meeting at the Country Waffle on Athens Avenue in Redding. Hughes brought eight of his favorite rods and matching spinner or bait casting reels, all rigged out with his go-to lures.
The presentation lasted for nearly an hour and Hughes took many questions from the floor. The focus of his presentation was how to match the various rod specifications with the fish to be targeted and how to set hooks using rods of different weights. Most of the rods he displayed were produced by Fenwick and fellow bass pro, Gary Dobbyn’s.
If you would like additional information or advice on rod and reel purchases, Hughes’ phone number can be found in the current Membership Directory or you can look him up at most future branch/club meetings.
Be sure to tell your fishing buddies about our fishing club. We always have a good time and great speakers. Also, please memorize our website address and pass it along to anyone needing information about our activities. The address is http://sirinc2.org/branch129/
Auction Loaded with Amazing Finds for Golfers, Anglers & Homeowners
By Frank Galusha
The SIR June Auction has grown significantly. The Live Auction now features 25 amazing finds including:
♦ 2-Wheel ATV
♦ 5 Golf Foursomes
♦ 2 Fishing Trips
♦ Dinner for 20
♦ 10 Tons Moss Rock
♦ 10 Gals Premium House Paint
♦ 100 Gals Propane
♦ 10/22 Semi Auto Rifle
♦ 3 Resort Hotel Rooms, and much, much more…
Check out the complete list below… scroll down for complete list of Silent Auction items, too!
- Invite Your Friends, Prospects, Neighbors & Family!
- See/Hear Pro Auctioneer in Action!
- Everything Goes Home with New Owner!
- Strike a Bargain!
- Cash or Credit Cards Accepted!
- Enjoy No-Host Bar!
- Help SIR Help Themselves!
List of Live Auction Items* (11 a.m. to noon)… Be there by 10 for Silent Auction
Donor Up for Highest Bidder
Riverview Golf Club Foursome with Cart for 18 Holes
San Francisco Deli Tri/Tip Dinner for 20
Chris Fancelli, guide Sacramento River Salmon Fishing for 4
Outdoor Creations Concrete Picnic Table
Bill Harris Outdoor Bird House
Gold Hills Golf Course Foursome with Cart for 18 Holes
Russell Smith Walrus Ivory Earrings
Seneca Machinery CA King Custom Metal Bed Frames
Howard Hughes, guide Bass Fishing Trip for Two Kids 12-15
Kip Ferguson 1931 Radio (not working, may need tubes)
Mount Shasta Golf Course Foursome with Cart for 18 Holes
Paint Mart 10 Gallons of Premium Paint/Sprayer
Olde West Gun & Loan, Inc. Ruger 10-22 Semi-Automatic Rifle
Al Vermeer Cartoon Strip “Pricilla’s Pop”
Tierra Oaks Golf Club Foursome with Cart for 18 Holes
Shasta Propane 250 Gallon Tank w/100 Gallons Propane
Bill Harris Green Lee Pipe Bit Set 144OG
Salinas Rock Co. 10 Tons Moss Rock
Vic Hannan Landscape 1 Pallet Bel Air Wall 30 sq. ft.
Russell Smith Granite Stone from NYC Twin Tower
Wilcox Oaks Golf Course Foursome with Cart for 18 Holes
Barrie Lee ATV (2-Wheeler)
Win-River Redding Rancheria (One) Win-River Chairman Suite
Win-River Redding Rancheria (One) Win-River Hotel Suite
Win-River Redding Rancheria (One) Win-River Hotel Stay
Looking for Restaurant Gift Certificates, Food, Clothing & Gifts, Fishing Equipment, Auto Gold/Silver Details, Indoor Bird Houses, Lake Shasta Caverns Passes, Home Furnishings, Cooking & Kitchen Accessories, Yard Décor? The Silent Auction has Something Super for Everyone!
- One-of-a-Kind Discoveries!
- Bargains Galore!
- Bid Early! Bid Often!
- Keep Your Eye on the Prize!
- Persistence Is Omnipotent!
- Shop & Enjoy Your Morning with SIR!
List of Silent Auction Items (from 10-11 a.m.)*
Donor Up for Highest Bidder
Final Draft Two 25.00 Gift Certificates
Marie Calendar’s Restaurant Four Gift Certificates for One Pie
Country Kitchen One $20.00 Gift Certificate
Country Kitchen One $20.00 Gift Certificate
Vittles Family Restaurant One $20.00 Gift Certificate
Vittles Family Restaurant One $20.00 Gift Certificate
Olive Garden One $40.00 Gift Certificate
Manhattan Bagel One $20.00 Gift Certificate
Dills Deli Two $10.00 Gift Certificates
Country Waffle One $15.00 Gift Certificate
Cottonwood Barbershop Two (2) Hair Cuts
Shasta Live Stock Ellington Peek Book
John Aubuchon William A. Rogers Gallery Baker
John Aubuchon Arcoroc Seabreeze Glass Dinner Plate
John Aubuchon Birch Bark Basket
John Aubuchon Melina’s Olive Oil/Balsamic Vin. Basket
John Aubuchon 4-Tier Moving Rack with Plates
John Aubuchon Metal Cook Book Holder
John Aubuchon Brass and Stained-Glass Candle Holder
John Aubuchon Wine Caddy with Glasses
Grand buffet 2 Free Lunches with Soft Drink
Russell Smith Tissue Box with Hidden Compartment
Russell Smith Think Like a Billionaire disc
Paul Poling Metal Napkin and Letter Bird Holder
Dead Eye Outfitters XL Shirt
Dead Eye Outfitters SL Jacket
Dead Eye Outfitters XL Tee-shirt
Dead Eye Outfitters XXL Tee-shirt
Cottonwood Bird Calls XL Tee-shirt
Cottonwood Bird Calls XXL Tee-shirt
Cottonwood Bird Calls Men’s and Ladies Ball Cap (one each)
Paul Poling Hand Painted Fishing Lure
Bob Vanderhyde ABU Garcia Surf Spinning Rod
Bob Vanderhyde Penn Salt Water Tackle Bag
Bob Vanderhyde Shakespeare 30 lb. Boat Rod (used)
Bob Vanderhyde Custom Fiberglas Saltwater Rod, 15-25#
Tom Vlahos Cutting Board & Wine Rack Hand Made
Lithia Toyota Gold Detail
Lithia Toyota Silver Detail
Les Schwab 4 Wheel Alignment
Bill Harris Indoor Bird Houses
Russell Smith Wine Basket w/6 Bottles Wine & Glasses
Andersons Fine Jewelry Jeweler Repair
Gaia Hotel Gift Certificate
R&R Meats Gift Certificate
Sailing Boat Restaurant Chinese Cuisine Family Dinner for 2
Sailing Boat Restaurant Chinese Cuisine Family Dinner for 2
Sailing Boat Restaurant Chinese Cuisine Family Dinner for 2
Lake Shasta Caverns One-Day Pass, 2 adults, 2 children
Grape Ranch Golf Club Foursome with Cart for 9 Holes
Paul Poling Bocce Ball Set with Case
Jones Fort Not known at deadline
Trader Joe’s Gift Basket
Barrie Lee Wine Rack
Sparkle Plenty Woman’s Necklace
Paul Poling Microwave Bowl
Russell Smith Japanese Tea Serving Set
Shasta Surplus 62″ Ceiling Fan
Cregg Zehnle Oak Wine Opener and Wine Stopper
Cregg Zehnle Hand Turner Deer Antler & Walnut Pen
Cregg Zehnle Hand Turner Pine Cone Walnut Pen
Sid Nobles 36 Dozen Used Golf Balls
Steve Hagenbaugh 9/11 Time Magazine
Steve Hagenbaugh SR71 Frame Picture, Autographed
Sierra Central Credit Union Movie Package
Dave Smith Parini 6 Quart Pan
Dave Smith Parini Egg Cooker
Dave Smith 4 Pc. Fiesta Plate Set
Not Known Himalayan Salt Lamp
Pam Albo Gift Basket
Nice Shot One Round/Shot (bring own ammo)
Nice Shot One Round/Shot (bring own ammo)
Sparkle Plenty Women’s Necklace
Cris Andrews Homemade Pen
Cris Andrews Homemade Pen
Dry Creek Station Gift Certificate
Palo Cedro Inn Gift Certificate
Palo Cedro Inn Gift Certificate
Christine Smith Water Fountain
*Lists may be incomplete and are subject to change
Spreading the word about SIR
By Frank Galusha
05/19/19 – Sons In Retirement and our June 19 auction got some extra attention yesterday as we participated in the Redding Rodeo Parade.
Six SIRs, Justin Clandening, Ed Grinton, Kevin Dempsey, Dick Fyten and I, led by Little SIR Lee Lamp, passed out many SIR brochures and auction flyers to parade watchers, other participants and members of the Asphalt Cowboys as we drove or walked along besides Lee’s 2017 Ford F-250 Lariat pickup truck.
“As far as I’m concerned this was a great way to reach many in our community and share a little about the SIR story,” Lamp said in an email thanking the members who helped out.
Lee added, “For those not familiar about how these parades go there are several points along the route where announcers introduce the participants. Our script was very good, and along with the signage on the truck, I think we made a very good impression on everyone who saw us or heard the many announcers explain what we do.”
Fortunately, the rain didn’t really get started until after the parade ended. Justin drove the truck, Dick rode shotgun while golfers Kevin, Ed and Lee sprinted from side to side passing out our information. Lee pulled his golf clubs on a cart and I carried a fishing pole to emphasize our interest in recreation.
“The decision to use the truck instead of the Mercedes Convertible we drove in the Cottonwood Parade last week, panned out well due to the inclement weather,” Lee said.
There were over 200 entries in the parade, which has taken place in Redding since 1949.
Golf Course Owner Asks for Suggestions
By Frank Galusha
05-16-19 — What is it like to switch careers in mid-life? Then what?
Those are the questions posed by Jason Munson, owner of the Palo Cedro Grape Ranch Golf Course, to those SIRs who attended our May 15 luncheon meeting.

(l.) Grape Ranch Owner Jason Munson kept the attention and got input from many of the 85 SIRs at Wednesday’s lunch. Little SIR, Lee Lamp (r.) makes arrangements for our speakers.
Munson explained how he left a varied and successful career in business to purchase Grape Ranch three years ago. Since then he has worked hard and invested beaucoup capital to make big improvements to his popular Palo Cedro course.
Many more improvements are planned to bunkers and drainage as Munson explained, but he also distributed a questionnaire asking, in effect: What should a still ambitious, energetic and young man (48) do to combine his passion for golf and still satisfy his appetite for growth as a businessman and entrepreneur?
Munson presented three opportunities open to him and asked members to give him their suggestions, which they did! Boxes were checked off. Written comments were added to the form and several SIRs spoke directly to him to share their views about what he should do next.
Munson also passed out a colorful flyer describing everything offered at Grape Ranch and his goal of making this “thee hallmark 9-hole golf course in Northern California.”
For more information, or maybe to learn what his next moves will be, call 530-547-3012, go to www. graperanchgolfclub.com or visit Grape Ranch at 22499 Golftime Drive.
Little SIR, Lee Lamp, explained there won’t be a speaker in June since that is our auction/luncheon event but he does have speakers lined up for July and beyond.
SIR Wins Trophy in Cottonwood Rodeo Parade

Sons In Retirement Trophy Winners: SIRs Bill Harris and Russell Smith and this 1999 Mercedes SKL 200 got plenty of attention at the Cottonwood Rodeo Parade on May 11. SIR will also take part in the Redding Rodeo Parade on May 18 to help spread the word about Branch 129. Report & photo courtesy of SIR Dick Fyten
05/13/19 — SIR Russell Smith entered SIR in the Cottonwood Rodeo Parade on Saturday May 11. SIR Dick Fyten got permission from Karen Fyten to drive her 1999 Mercedes SKL 230 at the event. The parade started at 10:00 a.m. Dick drove the car and SIR “Wild Bill” Harris road shotgun. As the car went by the first reviewing stand where Russell was the moderator he introduced SIR to the crowd.
Dick and Bill were accompanied by two of Russell’s neighbor kids, Michaël and Lesha. They are twins and 12 years old. They walked alongside the car handing out SIR literature to anyone who looked like they were old and retired. They did hand out quite a few brochures. In spite of Dick and Bill being in the car, the car won a trophy for the “ALL OTHER MOTORIZED VEHICLES” category.
“My wife has also given me permission to drive her Mercedes in the Redding Rodeo Parade May 18, 2019, so even more people will hear about us and, as the sign on the car explains, they will also learn that we are helping our members enjoy their retirement through a wide range of activities,” Fyten said.