SIR Make friends for life, Redding,, CA Branch 129Why belong to SIR? 

SIR gives a man whether working or not a way to stay active, make new friends and keep up with what interests him. Our Three Shastas Branch 129 in Redding offers such a man many activities and we are open to starting up new groups to play cards or to enjoy just about any other game or sport.

SIR is not a service club. We don’t have a political agenda or a religious orientation either. We don’t have a problem with those that do; it’s just that we don’t! What’s more, other than tickets to events, SIR Ball caps, license plate frames and ballpoint pens, we don’t sell anything. If we do raise money it is used to benefit our members.

Any man regardless of age, race, color or religion is eligible to join. Our annual dues are very reasonable, just $40, and we charge only $15 for our monthly luncheons, which are catered by the Redding Elks Lodge.

All we ask is that you attend our monthly lunches (or call in if you will be absent) so we can order food optimally. We eat well, have fun and learn from our luncheon speakers so attendance is always good.

Branch 129 is growing so we are always on the look-out for good leaders and volunteers. Our members value and appreciate what we do for them. When something needs to be done, we just step up and do it.

Please consider joining Branch 129. We look forward to adding your interests and energy to our own. Click here to make it happen!