Roland Kleinman
I retired from Juniper Networks last March, where I was a SW Development Manager. My main hobby is golf, but I also enjoy fishing, traveling (went to Ireland and Scotland last June to celebrate with friends that turned 60 yrs, included lots of golf!), sampling scotches, doing puzzles, and dabbling in the stock market. I have my private pilot license, though it’s been about 30 years since I’ve flown — one of my resolutions for 2024 is to get back in the pilot seat!
Little SIR
Michael Panelo

I’m an Air Force vet who later served as a mailman for 34 years. I’m a proud father of five amazing kids who mean the world to me. After retiring at 56, I was fortunate enough to join Folsom SIR Br 49. What a blessing to have made friends and for all the fun times. It’s an honor to serve as Little Sir.