Bob Collins
SIR Branch 49 Bowling
Our bowling group bowls at Steve Cook’s Fireside Lanes in Citrus Heights on Wednesdays 12:30- 3:00pm. The league is called the “Senior Fun” Bowling League and consists of sixteen three-person teams. The league is a mixed gender “handicap” league, currently with several women. The “winter/spring” season will last until May 2024. There will then be a short break and a shorter summer league will start.
There is a 10-minute practice session at the start of the weekly session. Each week has two teams competing against each other for 3 games. The better you bowl, (or depending on how much beer you drink), the more fun you have! The cost to bowl each week is $15.00, and payment is required even if you miss a week or more. There are money prizes for best team, best bowler, and high score among others at the end of each season (spring, summer, winter).
Handicap is based on a 220 raw score and calculated based on the raw score for each game throughout the season. If you score less than 220, your handicap is added to the raw score for each game to determine your score for the game and the winning team score. If you bowl a raw score more than 220, nothing is added to your score.
Most bowlers use the “one hand/arm” method to bowl. If you have seen bowling on TV recently, many professional bowlers are bowling using the “two hands” method to carry/throw the ball. Typically, they do not place the thumb in a hole. One league bowler recently had an issue with a stroke and resulting numbness and grip strength on his dominant/right side. So, he started bowling using his left hand/arm. When that situation occurs, your handicap is “reset” based on scores using your “new” arm.
Scoring for placement consists of 1 point for each team game “win” (including handicap), and 2 points for the team with the high series score (including handicap) for each week. A team can get 0 to 5 points each week. The standings are based on the number of points a team accumulates each week throughout the season.
Currently, there are five Branch 49 SIRs bowlers. They are Don Yarwood, Ray Jerd, Jim Boles (aka Bowls!!), John McKim, and Bob Collins. Two members, Alan Wong and Wayne Philpot, are currently on a leave absence. Alan expects to return next season.
If you are interested in becoming involved as an alternate, you can contact me (Bob Collins- bowling coordinator for Branch 49) or the league secretary.
I can be reached at – or by cell phone at (916) 337-6236.
The league secretary is Larry Mustain who can be reached at (916) 635-5674 or email at
Good luck and good bowling.