SIR Mission Branch 32
Founded August 19, 1970
San Jose, California
Mission Branch No. 32 was organized August 19, 1970.
A Probation Charter was granted September 8, 1970 with 42 members.
A Full Charter was awarded June 16, 1971 at which time there were 129 members.
In the late Spring of 1970, Herb Leisy, Big Sir of Branch 10 in San Jose, proposed a branch spin-off from the 175 members living in the Santa Clara area. This suggestion gained momen- tum and by late July arrangements were realized which would permit the plan to proceed. Stan Bowdish was appointed Organ- izing Chairman with a nucleus of 22 members and more to join shortly afterward.
The organizational meeting was held at the Golden Wheel Mo- bile Home Park on August 19, 1970, with the Branch’s first offic- ers being elected. They were: Big Sir, Herm Shafer; Little Sir, Ted Jones; Secretary, Ed Ross; Assistant Secretary, Herb Max- well; Treasurer, Joe Dorf; Assistant Treasurer, Stan Bowdish; Directors, Al Dose, Bill Langston, Ed Swinney and Guy Wetzel.
The first luncheon meeting was held at Mariani’s Restaurant on El Camino in Santa Clara on October 21, 1970. The name ‘Mission Branch’ was chosen as a tribute to the Mission City, Santa Clara. It was decided to limit membership to 150, however in 2002, in order to have an average membership of 150 mem- bers, it was voted to increase the limit to 155 members. In 2008, the maximum membership for all branches was eliminated.
The camaraderie and good fellowship among the members make Branch No. 32 an organization of which we all can be justly proud.