Ladies Day Christmas Luncheon Report
Wednesday, December 18th, we held our annual Christmas luncheon at the Three Flames Restaurant. Attendees reported, it was great success. We served 153 dinners to our members and significant others. Out going Big SIR Tony Mazzucco, hosted the event along with incoming Big SIR Wes Howard and Secretary Doug Krause at the head table. The meals of Chicken, Salmon and Steak as usual were served efficiently and said to be excellent. We acknowledged our new members who had wedding anniversaries over 65 years this year. A new Quartet ALLSORTs by Harriett, Maggie, Susan and Voula sang Christmas Carols and Hanukkah Songs in a barbershop style. A poinsettia and wine raffle was held and we adjourned with smiley faces.
This event would not be possible without my core volunteers they were:
Gail and Jim Caratozzolo, Bernie Coullahan, Paul Gardner, Galen and Janice Gipson, Larry Hallinan, Bruce Henry, Mike and Susan Price, Skip and Sue Saunders.
Thank again!
Jim LeBlanc Coordinator