SIR is a non-profit organization of active men from all walks of life including business, science, engineering, medicine and education.  At Br 32 our sole purpose is to bring together individuals with common backgrounds and interests to participate in well organized and well run indoor and outdoor activities and special events.  Participating in these activities and events lead to strong social bonds amongst our members.

We have no dues and we do not do fund raising. We are not political or religious. Most of us joined because we needed new ways to be involved in society prior to or after retirement, and found in SIR new contacts and friends that share our interests. Wives love that we have joined.

Currently our branch has 163 members from all areas of the valley. We meet for lunch on the third Wednesday of each month. The lunch is at the Three Flames on Meridian in San Jose. It consists of a social hour, some reporting, lunch and a speaker for about 45 minutes. Past speakers have been a trust/estate attorney, world renowned photographer, San Jose Police Department helicopter pilot, armed forces veterans etc. The speakers are a major draw for our members in addition to member participation in our activities.

We have multiple activities reflecting the interests of the organization.  Our activities include: Golf, Pool, Hiking, Bocce, Cards, Biking, Wine Tasting, Travel and more are possible if the interest is there. Many of our activities can include non-members, so wives or partners are able to participate.

We are interested in you, and hope you are interested in joining us. In that regard, you are invited to join us for a free lunch and introductory visit, which we will arrange when we speak with you. To learn more about our BR 32 specifically, or SIR in general, visit the websites

Please contact one of our people for additional information.

Bob Grandey, Recruiting Chairman, 408-439-4521 /

Larry Hallinan, Director, 408-391-5043 /

Message from Br 32 Big Sir

Tony Mazzucco

June 2024

Fellow SIRS, 

Happy June!  And with it, we’re already seeing some hot summer temperatures.   Hope you’re all able to stay cool!

First, a big thank you to Steve Ferree for taking on the role of our Newsletter Editor and Publisher after the passing of our longtime friend, Fred Boyce.   A special thanks to Bernie Coullahan and Jon Wiseman for doing a fabulous job filling in during the interim!  Hope you are all enjoying the monthly newsletters with all the great information on all 12 of our Branch activities with summaries, pictures and upcoming events!  Plenty of great opportunities for everyone.

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of one of our long-time members, Jeff White.  Jeff was a SIR with us for nearly 30 years, well-liked by all, and could always be seen dancing with a tremendous smile at the Ladies’ Christmas luncheons.  He will be greatly missed.  Please see the Membership Care report for more information.

You may have noticed at the last luncheon, we are running a pilot program for luncheon payments using the digital payment app, Zelle. The plan is to make the check-in and payment process simpler and more streamlined in the near future.   Cash or checks will still be accepted, but we hope many of you will elect to use the on-line app.  We’ll be continuing to expand the trial run at this coming luncheon, if you’d like to participate. It’s a fairly simple process – make the $22 payment to “”.   Be sure to enter “JUNE SIRS LUNCH” on the notation.  There will be a QR code and instructions at the luncheon as well.  Once we get the process ironed out better, we’ll roll-out a more detailed procedure for you.

And don’t forget, Father’s Day will be celebrated on the 16th of this month.  A big shout out to all the special fathers and grandfathers out there, including any brothers and sons of yours who have been blessed to be fathers.

The 4th of July is just around the corner.  Once again, we are hoping to have a recruiting / information booth at the Almaden Lake Independence Day Celebration.  Please contact Bob Grandey if you can help out.  Come join the fun, or stop by and visit!

As a final reminder, our Summer Ladies’ Picnic/BBQ will be on Wednesday, July 17th, in the Friendship Hall at the Saratoga Prospect Center, with the cost of $38 per person.   Tickets will be on sale again at the June luncheon.  This year we expect to reach the maximum capacity of 110 attendees.   Tickets are on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to get your tickets early!  Hope to see you there!

And once again, thank you for continuing to be part of making Branch 32 as strong and fun as it can be!  Keep spreading the word and inviting your friends (and family members)!

If you ever have any questions, suggestions, ideas, or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 408-839-2346. 

Thank you,

Tony Mazzucco

BR 32 Big SIR



The date for our Summer Ladies’ Picnic/BBQ has been set.  It will be on Wednesday, July 17th, and the cost will be the same as last year at $38 per person.   Tickets will go on sale in May.  We’ll have the same terrific caterer we’ve had the past few years with a delicious barbeque spread!  Hope to see you there!

The above individuals were inducted into Br 32 on 15 May 2024 (l. to r.): John Ranallo, Jesse James, Matt Kansky, and Mike Foley. Welcome to SIR, gentlemen.

Monthly Speaker for August 2024

Jon Welte will be our August speaker.

Jon Welte
President & CEO of the Hiller Aviation Museam


Stanley Hiller and Northern California’s Legacy of Aerial Innovation

The talk will explore the path that a teenage Stan Hiller took in building a helicopter company from scratch, the amazing tapestry of technological innovations that he introduced, and the role played today by the Hiller Aviation Museum in preserving that legacy and using it to inspire future generations. 


Jon Welte is the President & CEO of the Hiller Aviation Museam. He joined the museum in 2007 and was originally responsible for the development and implementation of Aviation Camp, school field trip programs, and other Museum-related experiences for children and the general public. He is now the museum’s President & CEO. Jon was captivated by aviation and science at a young age. He logged his first hour of dual instruction at age 13 and received his first telescope that same year. Jon holds a BS in Astronomy, a Masters in Business Administration, and a Private Pilot Certificate

 SIR Area11 Boulder Ridge Golf Tournament 

Photo of Jon Wiseman, Steve Guyon, Mike Bishop (Don Soderman photographer) at SIR Area11 Boulder Ridge Golf Tournament June 24
Group tied for first place.



The riders were Marv Zietzke, Dave Smith, Pete Eppolito and Fred Jones. We all rode on electric assisted bikes.

The morning weather was foggy in the 60’s the afternoon was in the 70’s

We rode on a paved path, from the Dream Inn on W. Cliff Dr. watching the beautiful ocean, surfers and beaches along the way to Natural Bridges Park. We rode to UCSC Marine Lab. While there, we took some pictures in front of a blue whale skeleton. Blue whales are the largest mammals on earth. We rode on a paved trail to Wilder Ranch. From there we rode on dirt trails to beautiful Wilder Beach and Fern Grotto Beach watching hundreds of seals basking in the sun.

While there, Fred’s fat tire bike broke down. After trying a little repair and problem solving. Fred was able to ride and walk the bike on the loop trail back to Wilder Ranch.

I want to give a shout out to Marv Zietzke, Dave Smith and Pete Eppolito for riding back to the start of the ride and bringing the truck back to pick up Fred at a Highway 1 Wilder Ranch turnout.

The ride was cut short from about 22 miles to 14 miles round trip.

the ride started at 10:00AM and ended about 1:00 PM. with all of it’s challenges and adventures.

This ride is a testament to, it is better and safer to ride in a group than it is to ride alone because of unforeseen problems.

We had lunch from 1:00 PM to about 2:00 PM at Stagnaro’s on the wharf, while enjoying great conversations, humor, food and a view

of the coast

Marv, Dave, Pete, and Fred

Web Site Summary

Date of Last Update:

June 26, 2024

Web Hits in April 2024: 100

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