Another Great Program for June!

Don’t forget, mark your calendars, our next luncheon meeting will be Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at Black Bear Diner in Turlock.  Doors open for us at 10:30am and our program starts at 12N.  Our program this month will be by Angela Freeman, Principal of Pittman High School.  This should be an interesting talk.  Our branch has been doing a great job of bringing in new members this year, the latest being Rick Ahlborn.  Please say “Hi” to Rick at our next lunch and give him a big welcome to SIR.  Please continue to bring guests to our lunches and share your enjoyment of SIR and help grow our membership back to what it was pre-pandemic.  Finally, we may have a special wine tasting/dine-in for July.  Watch for more information.

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