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Phil Sanderson

We play bridge in Raley's community room every Wednesday starting at 12:30. There is a limit of five tables. Smaller groups may play at other days and times at member's homes.

See Calendar for details. Sign up with SIR Phil if you want to play.


Meets for breakfast at the Waffle Farm in the Twelve Bridges shopping center.  It meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:30AM for good food, fellowship, conversation and all the coffee you can drink.

No need to call, just come and join us.


Lane Tribe

NOTE: This is not a SIR or Branch 13 activity.

Lincoln Hills Golf Club operates an Adaptive Golf Program that is open to the public suject to certain restrictions. Contact SIR Lane Tribe if you want to play with other SIRs. NOTE this is not limited to residents of Lincoln Hills.