SIR Diagram

Information About Branch 116

If you would like to know more about our Branch or be a guest at one of our activities, telephone us at 925-322-1160 or email us at   Your welcome to join us for our monthly lunch at Boundary Oak Golf Course.  Your first lunch is free!

Sons in Retirement

SIR is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to create fun activities for men and their significant others. We began in 1958 and there are SIR branches in communities throughout Northern California from Bakersfield to the Oregon border.
Membership is open to men retired from a full-time occupation, regardless of age, race, color, or religion. See: SIR Video

Branch 116

Walnut Creek's SIR Branch 116 is one of the many SIR branches in Northern California. We are a very active group centrally located in Walnut Creek, CA and we have many activities in the greater SF East Bay area. Our members are from not only Walnut Creek but many of the surrounding cities as far away as Brentwood, Pleasanton and Oakland.

Monthly Meetings

We have a monthly luncheon where guest speakers address the Branch members on topics of general interest. This includes sports figures, newscasters, civic leaders and others. We meet at the The Clubhouse at Boundary Oak Golf Course on the third Monday of each month, except for May and December.


Branch Activities

Groups are formed for activities such as 9-hole and 18-hole golf, bridge, fishing, book discussion, computers, dining out, investments, walking, etc., based on member interest. All member activities are supported and governed by volunteers. For more information about available activities go to Our Activities.

Special Events

We have a Spring Luncheon in May and a Christmas Dinner/Dance in December where wives, partners and guests are invited. In addition we have special golf events and bridge tournaments, hiking and walking tours where wives, partners and guests are welcome.

SIR Travel

An extensive travel program is available to all members and guests. Travel events vary from one-day local excursions to trips of several weeks duration to destinations throughout the world.


Our Only Agenda is to Have Fun

If you would like to join our merry group, go to Join Us. If you want to know more about our Branch or activities, go to Contact Us. We will be happy to answer your questions.


History of Sons in Retirement, Inc.

Realizing the social nature of man and his desire for the company of others, particularly those retired from commercial and profes­sional life, the late Damian L. Reynolds conceived the idea of SONS IN RETIREMENT in the spring of 1958.

Three friends, all retired, would meet with Mr. Reynolds on occa­sion for a friendly lunch. He suggested to those three (Claude Hink, Lorenz Hansen and Wallace Plummer) that they join him in the idea. A kick-off luncheon was held in the Claramar Restaurant in San Mateo on July 23, 1958. Among the fourteen who came were George Rogers, Clarence Johnson, Conrad Lange, Lloyd Cartmill and William Torello.

The name SONS IN RETIREMENT was unanimously adopted by the eighteen members of the club at a second meeting on August 20, 1958. The chosen name seemed to enunciate and give dignity to re­tirement, the inevitable lot of most men.

Basic guidelines of the SONS IN RETIREMENT were set forth at the time of incorporation of the club in the latter part of 1959. The State Board of Directors has made revisions in the Rules and Pro­cedures from time-to-time. In 1992, these were compiled in the new SIR's MANUAL.

The Corporation's copyrighted insignia is the rooster. Quoting the late Mr. Reynolds, of all the creatures on earth, none express more independence and dignity with sureness and aplomb than the roost­er. The majesty of his presence is felt in every barnyard, and when he crows he can be heard for miles, not in a fainthearted crow, but with a noise that calls attention to his majestic being.


History of Las Trampas Branch 116

Walnut Creek Branch 8 initiated the organization of Las Trampas Branch 116 when they became too large for the facilities available for meetings and could not meet the demands for membership.

The first organizational meeting was held November 7, 1983 at the Elks Club with 36 members.  This included 7 active members from Branch 8 and 29 members from their waiting list.  Past Big SIR Emerson Blodgett and Branch 8 Officers assisted in the orgaizational efforts.  Volunteering for new appointments wer Big SIR Norm Franz; Little SIR Bob Larrabee; Secretary Larry Eginton and Treasurer Selby Bobzein.

The State Board of Directors issued the probationary charter in December 1983.

On January 16, 1984, the members named the new Branch Las Trampas Branch 116 and the following Directors were appointed:  Dick Beach Bill Connelly, Chub Daniels, J.D. Hodapp, Al Kauder and John Quenvold.

On May 21, 1984, the Branch attained 100-membership enrollment and received its official charter.

On Jan 1, 2017 the Branch moved the luncheon location from the Walnut Creek Elks Lodge to the Boundary Oak Club House.  On the 35th anniversary year of the Branch, membership stood at 205 members participating in 19 activities with 5 open to our ladies.



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