Fishing Group
The Area 16 Sir Fishing Club is made up of a hardy and energetic group of men. We meet once a month to plan our future fishing trips and to discuss the successes and failures of fishing trips that we recently took. At these meeting we also have guest speakers from all aspects of sport fishing to inform and teach us the various methods of fishing and sportsmen like behavior. Our group is made up of all types of fisherman. From the hard core fly fisherman to the bait dunker who wants to sit on the side of a lake and watch the beautiful scenery. We have members who fish a couple of times a week to those who fish twice a year. All seem to enjoy the comradely of fellow fisherman and to possibly learn some new fishing technique at our meetings. About half of our members have boats so there is always pairing up of non-boat owners with boat owners to go on trips where boats are required to catch fish. We fish the ocean, bay, delta, local lakes and the high sierra. From ice fishing to five day trips to Baja for some great fishing. There doesn’t seem to be a limit to what we will do. From Alaska Salmon fishing to a five day, live on board, fishing trip out of San Diego; seem to be on the fishing calendar. There is also a social side to our club. There are events that we include the wives. The Summer Bar-B-Que, the Christmas Party, and the Spring Dinner Event. A recent addition to our social events has been a fish fry at one of our member homes. Of course all the fish used for this event have been caught by our members. It’s a group of great guys with a common interest that enjoy each other’s company.
All SIR members and guests are welcome and, indeed, encouraged to participate in our fishing trips as well as attend the monthly meetings. The meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at the Legend Sports Bar and Grill at the Diablo Creek Golf Course at 4050 Port Chicago Highway in Concord. The meeting starts at 8:30 AM but many of us arrive at about 8:00 to have some breakfast before we get down to business.
Harry Sherinian, Sir Branch 116 Fishing Coordinator, 925-846-7067