
The Dine-O-SIR are our members with special spouse/partner who enjoy “dining out” together.  Your Committee selects various restaurants, some favorable revisiting and some new, in central Contra Costa and arranges for special dining events. We negotiate a fixed price and offer a selection of entrees.  Prices are generally around $45-$55 per person including tax and tip (inclusive).

We schedule 5 events each year, one in January, March, June, August and October.  These events almost always sell out quickly.  We meet with social adjustment with conversations with catch-up with your friends and making new friends.  Dinner is then served with three course with selection of three entrées.

All members of Branch 116 SIR and their guests are welcome to participate. Reservations are to be made through your Committee.   It’s a great way to sample fine restaurants in the area while socializing with friends.

For more information, contact SIR Jerry Hicks at jerryhicks@astound.net or Cell (925) 360-0447.

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