Useful links!
Check out the Northern California Golf Association website which offers information on: Membership, The Rules of Golf, Courses & Clubs and also on NCGA sponsored tournaments and events. They even offer discounts on hotels, equipment and travel.
Also available through NCGA is access to their Club Member Management System called Member Planet. Member Planet is individually username/password protected and every member of the NCGA can access it. However, your Club’s Treasurer is most likely to use this on a regular basis as NCGA requires that all membership related management activities take place using Member Planet
Go to the United States Golf Association website for the latest information on:
- All their Championships,
- Rules,
- Handicapping,
- Course Handicap Calculations,
- The Course Rating and Slope Database,
- Equipment Rules
- And a whole lot more!
The Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) is a service offered by the USGA to golf associations worldwide. GHIN is one of the largest handicap management tools in the world, serving more than 2.3 million golfers and 15,000 golf clubs. Its services include the USGA Admin Portal for golfer management, score posting products for golfers, and USGA Tournament Management.
The USGA Admin Portal is for use by the Club Handicap Chairmen and requires a unique username/password credential to gain access. The old obsoleted product to do these functions was called “GHIN Handicap Program Management“
The USGA also provides a website where an individual can post their scores, lookup their, or others, current handicap, review past statistics among other things. Each golfer has their own unique username/password to gain access.
Another product offered by USGA was Golf Genius. This software replaced the previous tournament management package know as TPP or TPP Online. Your Club Tournament Manager is primary user of this software.
Golf Genius was provided free of charge to all clubs until January 1st 2022 when the USGA no longer provided any Tournament Management software. There exists three options going forward.
- You may make do without any commercial software packages. A number of smaller clubs have homegrown solutions to perform the needed tasks.
- You may purchase a subscription to continue to use Golf Genius. The cost is $600 per year per club for 2022. If you purchase this subscription before Dec. 15, 2021, you will receive a $300 discount for the first year.
- The NCGA is providing, at no cost to their member clubs, an alternative Tournament Management software package called BlueGolf. You can read about it in detail on the NCGA website just click here.
If you are unfamiliar with any of these products and want to learn more about them, contact one of the State Officers.

If you’re new to SIR Golf and would like to establish a golf program within your Branch you can contact any of the State Golf Committee for specific information. You can also check out the generalized information provided by the NCGA on their website by clicking the link to the left.
Check out all the SIR Branch websites!