Texas hold ’em  is one of the most popular variants of the card game of poker. Come join the fun with your fellow SIRs and you could be the big winner.

The group meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30pm. Enjoy a snack and some conversation with play starting at 7:00pm. Play continues until 9:00pm. The activity is open to all SIR members. If you have any interest at all, contact the Activity Chairman, Ken Mahar, to be added to the group’s roster. If you don’t think you can make it every month, no problem. We need back-ups to fill the spots of our regular players.

Buy-in is $20. Ante is 25 cents and 50 cents with a $4.00 max bet. The number of players will be held to 8 per table. Hosting rotates among those who sign up to play. Players bring their beverage of choice and an appetizer to share.

If you don’t know how to play, but have some interest, contact Ken. He can setup a tutorial game so you can learn. Or, if you know nothing about the game, Google “pokerzone”, where you’ll find the rules and a tutorial.


Activity Chairman:
Ken Mahar

Views: 68