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Wednesday June 19, 2024

Program: Nelly Cotto, WellRive
Challenging Choices – Senior Living Options

Have you ever considered downsizing as you approach your seniors’ years, but didn’t know how to proceed? If so, then our two speakers in June will help in answering some of those key questions in the planning process. They are Nelly Cotto of WellRive and Brian Schwatka who will discuss the options of how to best downsize and get ready to either move to a smaller home, or age in place. They will explore issues like: when to start considering moving into a senior living community, what kinds of senior communities are available and how much do they cost??

Nelly Cotto is the Regional Sales Director for WellRive’s northern California region. As a Move Manager with WellRive, she worked directly with many clients in managing and executing their move; from downsizing to creating floor plans to assembling crews for the packing and unpacking to clearing their house in preparation for sale, and more! She is passionate about assuring all seniors have an easier transition into their new life stage. She has extensive experience in business and marketing, planning & development, sales, public speaking, management, and customer relations. Nelly is also a published author and life coach.

Brian Schwatka, Stay or Go Homeowner

Brian Schwatka’s passion is to help homeowners make the best decisions for their future whether they are staying or going. He educates his clients through webinars, online classes, educational videos and personal consultations. He helps homeowners decide IF they should stay or go, then WHERE they could go. This analysis and education gives the homeowner clarity, and confidence. Finally, he continues to assist homeowners in selling their homes, saving them time, money and frustration. Brian has been a top producing Realtor, Certified Seniors Advisor (CSA) and a Transition Specialist since 2004.