The Trail Birds are Branch 35’s singing group, and have been in existence ever since the founding of Branch 35 in 1971. The practice of introducing our Luncheon speakers with a parody song was originated by Charter Member Emmett Fitzpatrick in 1974 and continues to the present day.
Over the years the Trail Birds have entertained also at senior centers and retirement homes, and have even conducted a memorial service.
From the beginning it was the intention that our brand of singing was strictly for fun. We do not audition, just sing. Anyone who has ever sung around a campfire or in a fraternity house will be at home with the Trail Birds. We still have that attitude, but the increasing audience recognition of late has boosted our musical egos and inclination to showmanship. If you would like to join the Trail Birds, contact the Chairman. Tenor, baritone or bass — all are welcome!