Chairman: Les Miles
Golf is the most popular activity in our branch. Our 100+ enthusiastic golfers all belong to the Northern California Golf Association, which maintains our official handicaps. Golfers of all skill levels are welcome to play with us. Our tournaments are flighted so that golfers with similar handicaps compete against one another. Best of all, you can count on having a good time with a group of men who enjoy the outdoors and some friendly competition. Branch 35 golf provides a great opportunity to make new friends and get a little exercise. Golf carts are always available, but many of our players choose to walk most of the time.
Branch 35 Golfers at Santa Clara Course – Right before it closed.
Many of our regular golfers pitch in to act as Tournament Conductors for the more than 90 tournaments we host each year. We play on about 45 different courses from Vallejo to Pacific Grove, but most events are within 20 miles of Los Altos. Other golfers contribute their time by organizing tournaments, signing up players at our monthly SIR meeting and providing all the materials and follow-ups for each tournament. Checkout our current course in our SIR Newsletter Trail Tips.
Our schedule is balanced based on difficulty, cost and distance from Los Altos. In other words, the schedule includes something for all, whether you want to play once a month or twice a week every week. Courses include Crystal Springs, Moffett, Shoreline, Boulder Ridge, Poppy Ridge, Seascape, Eagle Ridge, Callippe and Bayonet to name but a few.
We store a large number of files relating to our golf group on a password-protected GROUPS.IO web site. Access is available only to Branch 35 members who have paid their NCGA dues. Contact Tom Taboada or Bruce Karney if you are having difficulty accessing it.
We also hold an annual banquet in January or February for golfers, spouses and friends. We present a variety of awards recognizing the “Golfer of the Year,” “Most Improved Golfer,” etc.
Come and join in the fun!