Welcome to the Lodi/Stockton Branch 145 Web Site
SIR Branch 145, serving the Lodi/Stockton, CA area, meets for lunch the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except the months of May and December) at the Elks Lodge located at 8900 Thornton Road, Stockton, CA.  The doors open at 11:00 a.m. and the meeting begins at 11:30.  Lunch is followed by a guest from the community speaking on subjects of interest to SIR members.  In May there is a picnic and in December we celebrate the season with our Holidays Luncheon at a local country club.  Wives and significant others are welcome and encouraged to attend.  

Of all the creatures on earth, none express more independence and dignity with sureness and aplomb than the rooster.The majesty of his presence is felt in every barnyard, and when he crows, he can be heard for miles, not in a fainthearted crow, but with a noise that calls attention to his being.  We share the dignity of retirement with one another and members of SIR.

Membership in SIR is open to all men who are retired or semi-retired and can attend the monthly meetings.  If you are interested in joining us, please see the  Join Us page.

All About SIR

SIR is a non-profit public benefit corporation for retired men.  SIR assists men in renewing old friendships and making new friends through SIR activities.  Having fun is our goal.  We have more than 22,300 members in 160 branches throughout Northern California, from Bakersfield to the Oregon border and Lake Tahoe to the Pacific Ocean.

Membership is open to men semi-retired and retired from full-time occupations, regardless of age, cultural identification or religious affiliation.  Members of SIR volunteer to administer and govern all branch activities.  SIR supports no outside cause or interest.  Discussions of politics and religion are prohibited, as well as the marketing to members of any goods or services.

Each branch has monthly luncheon meetings.  Guest speakers are invited to make brief presentations on topical subjects of general interest to members.

Prospective members are invited to attend one of the monthly luncheon meetings as a guest and submit a Branch 145 application membership form (see Membership page for the application form) to be considered for membership.  Ask a SIR friend to sponsor you or contact one of the officers listed on the Officers page of this web site and a sponsor will be provided.  Please feel free to use the Contact Us page to inquire about membership and include your name, email and phone number in your messaging.

Branch 145 News for 2024-2025 

The next monthly business luncheon/BEC meeting will be on April 8th at the Stockton Elks Lodge at 8900 Thornton Road in Stockton, doors open at 11:00 a.m.

The 2025 SIR Branch 145 Golf Tournament Schedule is now finalized and is posted on the Golf Activity page.  The next tournament is on April 16th at La Contenta Golf Course in  located in Valley Springs.

SIR apparel including hats, shirts, pullovers, jackets, etc., can be purchased via SIR.OURPROSHOP.COM