Another Great Program for June!

Don’t forget, mark your calendars, our next luncheon meeting will be Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at Black Bear Diner in Turlock.  Doors open for us at 10:30am and our program starts at 12N.  Our program this month will be by Angela Freeman, Principal of Pittman High School.  This should be an interesting talk.  Our branch has been doing a great job of bringing in new members this year, the latest being Rick Ahlborn.  Please say “Hi” to Rick at our next lunch and give him a big welcome to SIR.  Please continue to bring guests to our lunches and share your enjoyment of SIR and help grow our membership back to what it was pre-pandemic.  Finally, we may have a special wine tasting/dine-in for July.  Watch for more information.

Great Program for May!!!

Please join us for a tasty lunch on Wednesday, May 15, at Black Bear Diner in Turlock.  Following lunch we have a great program lined up for you… our guest speaker will be Chad Hilligus, CEO of the Gallo Center for the Arts.  As always, doors open for us at 10:30am with the program starting at Noon.  In consideration of our guest speakers please try to finish your lunch before the program starts.  We hope to see you there and remember to bring a guest, if you can, to share your SIR experience.

April Lunch Meeting at Black Bear Diner

Please join us for lunch at the Black Bear Diner in Turlock on Wednesday, April 17.  We order from the regular menu and get individual checks.  They might even have some specials for us to choose from – come and see.  Doors open at 10:30am.

Our program this month will be by Scott Atherton from the Turlock Historical Society speaking on Turlock in the Roaring 20’s.  Scott is the premier historian on Turlock and is a great speaker so you don’t want to miss his program.

Guests are encouraged and always welcome so please invite a friend to join you for lunch and share you enjoyment of SIR.  In addition to our monthly lunch and program we have various other activities for members to participate in; golf, bowling, bocce ball, RVing, travel, radio control airplanes, dine outs at local restaurants and wine tasting.

If you would like to join us for lunch to find out more about SIR but don’t know anyone who is already a member you can call our membership chairman Mike Johnson, 209-613-6801, for more information.  We would love to have you join us.

If you have not already paid your 2024 dues get them in to treasurer Leonard Zumstein as soon as possible or bring to the next meeting to keep from being dropped from our branch membership roster.  Renew you membership now – remember that you can’t participate in your favorite SIR activities if your membership is not current.

I hope to see you at the Black Bear Diner for lunch on Wednesday, April 17.

The March 2024 Senior Times newsletter is now available to download.  Keep up with all the lastest Turlock SIR happenings -Just click NEWSLETTERS on the topline menu, than select the edition you would like to download/read.

Just another reminder that your 2024 annual dues are now due and payable.  Remember that you can’t participate in SIR activities if your dues are not current.  Send your dues to Treasurer Leonard Zumstein or bring to the next lunch meeting.

Our next luncheon will be Wednesday, March 20. at Black Bear Dine in Turlock.  Turlock High School Principal Dave Kline will be our speaker and he will have a very interesting program for us.  Hope to see you all there.

If you didn’t join us for lunch this month, you missed a great program from the Turlock Mosquito Abatement District.  Please join us next month for another great lunch and program.

Also, a reminder that if you haven’t paid your 2024 dues yet you can’t participate in SIR activities (Bocce Ball, Golf, Bowling, RV, Travel, Dine Out, Wine Tasting, etc.).  Send you dues to Leonard Zumstein today or bring to the lunch meeting next month.

We hope to see you all next month for lunch.

Happy 2024!

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and have gotten a good start to 2024.  A new year also means that our annual branch dues of $40 are now payable.  Please bring to the January luncheon or contact treasurer Lenny Zumstein at 209-634-8878 to make other arrangements.

We have a great group of Bocce Ball players that meet every first and third Fridays, 10am at the Dust Bowl Brewery in Turlock.  The more the merrier so come on out and join them then stay for lunch.

There is also a dine out scheduled for Thursday, January 25th, at Latif’s by Pedretti Restaurant located in downtown Turlock on Golden State Blvd. with doors opening at 5:30pm and dinner at 6:00pm.  If you would like to come please RSVP to Gary Toombs at 209-604-8406.  We hope to see you all there.

DECEMBER 2023 Ladies Day Lunch

Now is the time to make plans to attend our December Ladies Day Luncheon.  This year’s lunch will be at The Fruit Yard (corner of Geer Rd and Yosemite Blvd) and is by reservation only.  Tickets are $30 per person and can be purchased at our next meeting or by calling Roger Jackson at 209-658-2673.  We hope to see you all there.