Snowline Branch 113 Pollock Pines
Seasoned Adults Building Friendships and Leading Active Lifestyles
Are you retired or simply have time on your hands with nothing to do? Do you want to make new friends, participate in fun activities and better enjoy your leisure time? Then SIR is for you! Our Branch meets the 2nd Thursday of the month for lunch followed by an interesting guest speaker. We also offer a number of activities based on members’ hobbies and interests including:
- Bocce
- Wine tasting
- Bowling
- Horseshoes
- Dining Out
- Theater
Members also have access to additional regional and Statewide activities and events.
Luncheon Meetings
2nd Thursday of the month
11:30 am
Sportman’s Hall
5620 Pony Express Trail
Pollock Pines, CA 95726
Views: 5743