SIR Bidwell Branch 110 Luncheon June 23, 2024

Tom van Overbeek

Tom van Overbeek

Our speaker for June was Tom van Overbeek who is a Chico City Council member.

Tom van Overbeek is a retired former tech businessman and a Modesto native who moved to Chico 15 years ago. He owns Whole Body Fitness, a local gym off of Highway 32.

He talked about the homeless situation in Chico.
Mr. van Overbeek when being interviewed by KRCR TV said: “People camping in our public spaces is a disaster for the city and it’s a disaster for them.” “Homeless people living in tents die at five times the rate of the general population. It’s not compassionate to let people sleep in a tent.”
“There are some people who don’t want to go to the shelters. But the public spaces belong to the public. The homeless either need to go to the shelter or the (city mandated homeless) campground, or they need to leave town. It’s not acceptable for them to be camped along bike trails and in the park, because it deprives those areas from being used by the rest of the population.”

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