Tracy Mohr
Our June Luncheon Speaker was Tracy Mohr who is the Animal
Services Manager for Chico. Tracy, who has over 45 years of
experience in animal care and control started as a volunteer at
a local animal shelter while in high school. Though she had
wanted to become a veterinarian, she decided that working on
behalf of shelter animals would have a more beneficial impact.
Tracy’s experiences include vet tech, animal control officer, and animal
shelter manager. She has previously run the Butte Humane Society shelter
as Executive Director and has worked for the city of Chico as an animal
control officer. Tracy is also the founder of several non-profit
organizations and has run a horse sanctuary since 2001. Tracy has been
the Animal Services Manager for the City of Chico since 2012, when the
city resumed shelter operations as "Chico Animal Shelter." She moved
the city to no-kill status in her first year. With limited staffing,
Chico Animal Shelter has been able to drastically reduce the
euthanasia rate, support at-risk animals, and provide programs
that serve as a model for shelters across America and overseas.