SIR Bidwell Branch 110 Luncheon July 25, 2022

Golden Beaver Dist

Chances are that every single member of Bidwell Branch 110 has arrived at
the airport only to experience the deflating news that his flight has been
cancelled. Have you ever wondered which way your life might have unfolded
had your flight not been cancelled? Kris Koenig, this month's luncheon
speaker, will explain what happened in his life when his flight from
Scotland back home to America was cancelled because of a volcanic eruption
in Iceland. Up to that point he was enjoying his life as an Emmy award
winning film producer, screenwriter, director and cinematographer, producing
documentaries under his company Koenig Films, Inc. His layover time in
Scotland resulted in a whole new turn of events upon his return to Chico.
He attended Moonshine University in Kentucky and founded the Golden Beaver
Distillery out near the Chico Airport. Using locally sourced ingredients,
Kris brews variations of moonshine made from local honey and malted rice,
as well as handcrafted vodka, gin, whiskey, bourbon and rye.
In addition to describing what is involved in setting up a distillery,
Kris will touch upon the history of prohibition in the United States.

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