All activities for month of February
Golf at Creekside

Bob Kredit :  or 209-672-0326
Don Reed: or 209-524-5374

SIR Golf at Creekside is a SIR activity. This activity takes place every Thursday and any Sir can play. You do not need to be a NCGA member. To make a tee time contact Bob Kredit by email or text. Contact information above. Normal Tee times are 7:30 am to 8:58 am. We appreciate all our Thursday golfers and hope we can continue for a very long time with our tee times. Take care and stay safe!
Thank You

Teeing up a par

February 20, 2025 

The frost and rain has gone away. But a cold windy day today drove up the scores. We had 40 golfers on the course and way too many who did not show up for their t-time. The “Sandbagger of the Week” came in with a net score of 29.50. Other scores went up from there with a net of 34.85 taking the tenth spot. The closest to the hole showed nine hitting the green on #8. The best distance was at 14′ 6″ and a 28′ 3″ taking the final distance.

1. Don von Buskirk
2. Don Stephens
3. Vince Oo
4. Earl Glenn
5. Roy Bruk
6. Ernie Garza
7. Tom Gianopoulos
8. Tom Pannier
9. Don Reed
10. Mike Lazar
C. T. H.
 1. Dick Nelson
2. Rick Ahldorn
3. Dan Adams
4. Tom Gianopoulos
5. Ted Bracht
6. Don Reed
7. Tom Pannier
Still, we have a need for some players to speed up on their play. Remember that you are not to take more than three minutes looking for lost balls. Other than that, there is not much to worry about. Just a reminder to attend your branch’s luncheons. Branch 103 has a luncheon next Wednesday, February 26. Try to attend as there is a need for your participation
Don, Bob and Juan



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