Juan Salinas
Legacy of One…..or more June 23, 2009
For fifty years plus, thousands of men have turned to Sons In Retirement when they retired, all looking for a retirement life style filled with a lot of good things every retiree aspires to—–respect, integrity, dignity, pride, independence, friendships and loads of fun and enjoyment . As members of SIR they have found all this and more through participation in the many activities and programs specific to the needs of men in retirement.
Today, as SIR members, we look at the next fifty years with confidence that the inherent value and legacy of SIR will continue to be a driving force for continuity and growth into our next fifty. As we move forward let us use this confident awareness in a positive way to unify and grow our organization, bringing into play the solid cornerstones upon which SIR was founded ….communication, recognition, involvement and solidarity.
We have been given a legacy of immeasurable value. As we have accepted the benefits we’ve enjoyed from SIR, now let us accept the responsibilities we have inherited. Of critical importance is the continuity and growth of our Branch.
One of the best ways we can grow membership is for each of us to sponsor one or more new members as our replacement(s) if, or when, we have to leave SIR. This is a legacy we must accept.
Many of you are sponsors; but, look ahead, not back. Beginning now, make a pledge to bring in at least one new member before you have to leave; don’t leave an empty chair!
“Legacy of One…or More” is a new program designed for growth. Every participating member will be a recognized sponsor when his guest is inducted. Sponsor one, three, five, eight or more new members and you will be commended and rewarded accordingly.
Joe Futch