A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. Emo Philips

Chairman: Ralph Riviello
Assistant Chairman: Al Huber
Treasurer: Al Raphael
The group meets each fourth Tuesday (except December) at 10:00 a.m. Starting with the June 2022 meeting, the meetings returned to the Redwood Shores Library, 399 Marine Parkway, Redwood City. If any questions, contact Ralph Riviello r.riviello@comcast.net.
The group is open to all members who are interested in computing and/or software, whether he is a beginner or a professional. The group is also open to members of other SIR branches. Note that there are also state-wide SIR computing interest groups.
Meeting structure (in person or on Zoom)
The meetings begin with a quick check in of those present, followed by a welcome to new members and visitors. Then there is usually a “random access” session where members relate their problems and/or successes, and receive (hopefully) helpful input and comments from other members. We often exchange notes on the latest apps and tools. Occasionally, the group has an outside speaker who discusses some area of computer technology. The group has hosted speakers from Microsoft, Comcast, Stanford Research Institute, computer dealers, as well as active software professionals. For example, during the first meeting of 2021, we had a director of Lawrence Livermore Lab speak on the use of computing in the design of nuclear weapons. Some of the members also have themselves given talks within their area of expertise and interest.
The Computer Group was started by Dwight Sale in 1991 as a breakfast meeting at the Lyons Restaurant in San Mateo. When Dwight Sale became Little Sir in 1995, Carl Kuhlman took over the Chairmanship of the group. The group outgrew the Lyons Restaurant in San Mateo, so it moved to the Lyons Restaurant in Millbrae. When the Lyons Restaurant in Millbrae closed in 2002, the group moved to The Assistance League of San Mateo in The Chapter House. When Carl Kuhlman became Little Sir in 2002, Robert Melvin took over the Chairmanship of the group and Carl Kuhlman took the Assistant Chairman position. On January 23, 2007, the Group moved to the San Mateo Public Library. On July 28, 2008, the Group moved to the Peninsula Community Foundation. Rick Dusine took over as chairman of the group at this time. By January 2010 the Peninsula Community Foundation had become the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) and moved to 1300 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo. In 2015, Ralph Riviello became chairman. While some remodeling was done at the SVCF in 2019, the group met at the Redwood Shores Public Library. During the COVID pandemic (2020-2021), meetings eventually resumed using Zoom teleconferencing. In August 2021, the meeting site was moved to the San Carlos Adult Community Center as the SVCF had not yet re-opened to the public. In October 2021, the meetings returned to Zoom teleconferencing. In June 2022, the meetings returned to the Redwood Shores Public Library.
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