In addition to the official committees, these committees help support the work of Branch One.

Audit Committee
Chairman: Russ Marinello
The Audit Committee conducts an audit of the books and records of SIR Branch One during January of each year (for the calendar year just completed). The results of this audit are reported to the Big Sir.

Financial Committee
Chairman: Rich Castro
The Finance Committee is responsible to tracking income and expenses, and for generating a current monthly Financial Report. Any member of Branch One can request prior month’s Treasurer’s Reports: please contact the Treasurer for a copy.

First Aid Committee
Chairman: vacant
The First Aid Committee provides assistance for medical situations at luncheons

Historian Committee
Chairman: Kevin Moran
The Historian Committee is responsible for retaining and maintaining all the documents and reports that are created by SIR Branch One. At the end of each year the historian compiles an annual report of all the activities, meetings, and transactions that occurred throughout that year. It is the responsibility of each officer, director, and committee chairman to furnish the historian with the necessary information for completing this report.
SIR Branch One is (obviously!) the oldest SIR branch. You can find our story, and more anecdotes, in our Branch History.

Nominating Committee
Chairman: Jim McKim
Assitants: Jack Murray, Pete Nannarone
The Nominating Committee arranges a slate of nominees who have been selected to, (and agreed to) become the officers and directors for SIR Branch One for the ensuing year.

Photographer Committee
Chairman: vacant
The Photographer Committee is responsible for taking and storing all the photographs that are required for SIR Branch One.
Photographs of all new members are taken at the time of their installation, and are usually shown in the next month’s Bulletin. Photographs of the speakers at the General Luncheon Meeting are also taken. At the special meetings, photographs are taken of the special entertainment as well as many of the guests. Photographs are also taken whenever it is required by the Executive Board.
Photographs are archived so that they may be available for future use.
History: The Photographer Committee was started by Raymond I. Lang in 1994, who was the first chairman, at the suggestion of Kenneth L. Rives. In 1999, Donald R. Milburn became chairman. He was succeeded by John Mahaffy. Ed Tuft took it over in the spring of 2012. Herb Deitz took it over in the fall of 2018.

Recruiting/Publicity Committee
Chairman: Frank Schwarz
The Membership Recruiting Chairman assists members of SIR Branch One in the recruiting of new members. For example, furnishes the needed forms and gives the necessary information and directions as to what is required to become a new member. Since each member can recommend a friend or colleague for membership, all members of Branch One are considered to be part of the Membership Recruiting Chairman’s staff.

Speakers Committee
Chairman: Bill Schmid
Assistant: Jon Miller
Most members consider our monthly talks a major benefit of SIR memberships. Some of the talks the club has had in the past were from sport coaches, local assembly persons, a former jockey, World War II experiences, retired military officers, police officers, fire department officers, representatives of various government offices, etc. The talks last for about 45 minutes, but often they raise so much interest that questions and discussions last much longer.
If you have speakers or subjects you’d like to hear, please let us know. Whether you’re interested in history (e.g. the California connection to the building of the atomic bomb) or current topics (e.g. how motorcycle clubs are protecting endangered children) we’ll try to book a speaker for you.
Branch One is working with other Area 13 branches to assemble data on past speakers. Please click here to download a form to report past speakers, updating the filename as appropriate.