SIR Branch One Officers, Directors, and Committee chairs are all volunteers.
For information about the role and responsibilities of each position, please see the State SIR Branch Job Descriptions and the SIR Leadership Guide.

Nick Feimer

Scott Stillman

Secretary: Mike Garoutte

Assistant Secretary: Alan Melnicoe

Treasurer: Rich Castro
Also Finance Committee chair
To submit expenses for reimbursement, please use this form:
SIR Branch One Expense Reimbursement Form
Treasurer’s Reports:
- older reports have been archived to save space, but can be posted on request

Asst. Treasurer: Michael Garb
Elected Directors
These directors are part of the Branch Executive Committee (BEC).

Activities: John Jordan
Also Activities Chairman

Bulletin: Jon Miller
Also Bulletin Editor and oversees bulletin distribution

Information Services: Kevin Moran
Maintains website, membership roster, and membership database; and handles e-mail correspondence to the group

Membership: Buzz Romero
Also Membership Chairman with sub-committees for attendance, new member orientation, registrar, and sunshine.

Recruiting / Publicity: Frank Schwarz
Also Recruiting Chairman and Publicity and Image Chairman

Speakers: Bill Schmid
Also Speakers Chairman
Appointed committees
In addition to the elected functions listed above, our SIR branch depends on contributions by supporting committees.
Governing Rules and Protocol
Nominations for official positions are opened at the General Luncheon Meeting in July. The Officers and Directors are elected into office every year for a one-year term at the August Luncheon Meeting for the next ensuing year. At this time, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee presents their slate of nominees. All the positions are open for any further nominations for the next month. One requirement for any nomination is that the nominee must have expressed his approval to serve in the position for which he is nominated. If the nominee is not in attendance at the General Luncheon Meeting in which the nomination is made, he must submit a written acceptance to the nomination before or at the General Luncheon Meeting before the nomination can be made. In the August Luncheon Meeting of the same year, any further nominations will be accepted, after which the nominations will be closed. A vote will then follow from all the members of SIR that are present in order to elect the nominees into their respective offices. The newly-elected Officers and Directors will be installed into their respective offices for the next ensuing year by the present Big Sir at the November General Luncheon Meeting. All the committee chairman for the next ensuing year will be appointed by the newly-installed Big Sir during the following months.