SIR Group: Stock Study

“One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute.” – William Feather

Alan Melnicoe, Chairman

Assistant Chairman: Jim Felker

The Stock Study Group is currently meeting on the second Monday of every month (unless that conflicts with a holiday) at the San Mateo Senior Center (2645 Alameda de las Pulgas) at 10:00 a.m. Meetings last about 2 hours. Jim Felker should be able to answer any questions.

The group discusses various aspects of the Stock Market, what the trend of the market seems to be, and any other related matters. The purpose of the group is to improve members’ knowledge of the stock market and of individual stocks through interactive discussion and active participation. The scope of the studies will include common stocks, preferred stocks, stock-based mutual-funds, stock options, and the operations of these markets as well as published literature concerning these topics.

There is usually a speaker who gives a talk on some subject related to stock or the nations economy. Sometimes, an outside speaker may be invited to address the group. The Stock Study Group does not invest or handle any capital as a group, however, it may simulate model portfolios of the members depending upon member interest.

Between meetings, members are encouraged to be aware of useful topics for presentation or discussion at the monthly meetings.

When the group was meeting in the morning, after each meeting, any members who were interested were invited to meet in a restaurant nearby for lunch, and continue discussing whatever information they may have been interested in.


The Stock Study Group was formed under the direction of Edward Berkyto on July 19, 1995. The first meeting was held on September 19, 1995,  in a room in the San Mateo Library. It moved to the Foster City Recreation Center in 1999. It moved once again to the Peninsula Community Foundation, on October 11, 2004. By January of 2010, the Peninsula Community Foundation had become the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and moved to 1300 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo. During the COVID pandemic, the group met via Zoom teleconferencing. As the Silicon Valley Community Foundation had not yet reopened to the public, meetings were held at the Redwood Shores Library starting in September 2021. In November 2021, meetings moved to the San Mateo Senior Center. Jim Felker took over the chairmanship of the group on March 13, 2000.