Amador – Branch 96

The latest news from Branch 96:

June 2024 Amblings
May 2024 Amlings
April 2024 Amblings
March 2024 Amblings
February 2024 Amblings
January 2024 Amblings
December 2023 Amblings

Amador Branch 96 serves the Amador County and the Valley Springs area.  We currently have approximately 100 members.

We meet at 11:30 am on the 1st Thursday of each month at Teresa’s Place 1235 Jackson Gate Road in Jackson. Come early and socialize with your fellow SIR members.  The agenda for the day includes lunch, a business meeting, chairman’s reports on the special activity groups and a program of local interest.

If you are an active, senior man that would like to meet for monthly lunches with engaging speakers and participate in a number of activities that our members enjoy, then SIR is for you.  As a SIR member, you’ll remain active and develop lifelong friendships.

If you would like to visit our branch, contact our Membership Chairman, Steve Wilson, at 209-763-2630.