MARCH 21, 2024 

The meeting was called to order by Big SIR Fernando Gonzalez at 9:40 AM.                                

A quorum was established with the following members present:

Big Sir Fernando Gonzalez, Little SIR/Treasurer John Santillano, Secretary Jim Toepfer, Assistant Treasurer Jerry Miller. Absent: Assistant Secretary Jack O’Brien.

DIRECTORS: Gaylan King, Bob Lewis, Andre Dodd, Vince Sereno. Absent: Anthony Butera, Jerry Strain.   

GUESTS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Williams, Sam Graham, John Cardoza.            

Motion to approve minutes from February 15, 2024: MSP. 

  Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s Report for February 2024, was presented by Treasurer John Santillano:

            Checkbook Balance as of February 1, 2024….……………………………..$ 4,501.44        

Total Receipts……………………………………………….……………………………..$ 1,380.00    

Disbursements………………………………………………….………………………….$ 1,613.78

Checkbook and cash as of February 29, 2024………………………………………….$ 4,467.66       

The second quarter state assessment in the amount of $242.50 has been paid. There being no voucher requests, a motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report. MSP   

 Membership Report:

Gaylan King gave the membership report. Hold till further notice. MSP.    

 STATE HLM: Jerry Strain

HLM: Gary Williams and Sam Graham

Committee Reports:   

Bowling: Bob Lewis – All is going well.

Golf: Jerry Strain – Absent.

Travel:  John Cardoza – Pending cruises coming for Alaska and Panama Canal. Stay tuned.  

Dining: Vince Sereno – Proceeding as per usual. 

Sunshine: Edd Santwier – Absent.    

Walking Group: Anthony Butera – Absent.

Old Business: Julius Manrique’s memorial will be a privately held ceremony. 

NEW BUSINESS: Big SIR Fernando reported on the topics covered at the Northern California SIR’s meeting which he attended. All branches can now engage in charity work if they so desire. There are no rules for the duration of time that officers can hold office. Discussion was held on the timeliness for the appointing of new officers for the upcoming year. July is the month for the appointing of new officers and August is the month for voting on said officers. Elected officers will be invited to attend zoom meeting which will be held soon. A request was made for round tables at our luncheons.

Meeting adjourned by big SIR Fernando Gonzalez at: 10:10 AM.

The date and time of the next BEC meeting will be on April 18, 2024, at 9:30 AM.                     

             Respectfully submitted by: Jim Toepfer, Secretary.